Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Three Wise Men

Yesterday marked Epiphany on the Christian calendar.  This day, sometimes called Three Kings Day, is celebrated twelve days after Christmas and marks the visit of the three wise men to the baby Jesus.

While driving home yesterday, I began to ponder what that voyage might look like today.  I suspect that it would still take at least twelve days to reach the child, despite much faster travel options.  There would be a couple days of water cooler gossip about this “savior”, followed by an exploratory meeting, brainstorming meeting, budgeting meeting, personnel meeting, etc.  As an HR professional, I can’t help but ponder the selection of the team.  

I certainly imagine that the three wise men would include at least one wise woman.  After all, someone might need to stop and ask for directions.  Just kidding, guys.
I envision that there would be one traditional worker. Coming from a generation that has experienced extensive economic uncertainty in their time, coupled with a likelihood of some military background, this team member would likely be self-disciplined and loyal.

Lastly on the journey, I envision a Gen X.  Known for academic training and worldliness, this person would nicely round out the team.  Additionally, the short journey to the end prize would be especially rewarding for someone in this group.

I can’t help but snicker thinking that somewhere back at the office there is probably a Gen Y building a video game about the whole ordeal.  Maybe Grand Theft Camel or Call of Doody.  (Excuse my baby humor!)  

So here it is… my epiphany!  I believe that wise leadership can see the value in the diversity brought by the team assembled here today.  They most likely will not all be willing to wear the same attire, listen to the same music, or even agree entirely on the best path to get there, but I believe that in the end success will come and it will be greater than you ever imagined!  

Until next time…Peace, Love and People!

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